
Welding generators

welding of metal parts is one of the most important processes in modern industry. Welding technologies are widely used in the repair and manufacture of a variety of products from various metals and alloys. That is why special aggregates used for welding of metals, in our time are so popular.

main consumers of welding generators – garages, manufacturers of metal structures, reinforced concrete production plants, machinery factories, construction companies.

No welding machines can not do these days no company shipbuilding or engineering, no construction site and no repair-operational site or industrial complex. This causes the popularity of high-quality, powerful and reliable welding generators, which are represented in this category from two well-known manufacturers: SDMO and Europower.

High-quality and high-performance

generators presented here allow to obtain a smooth seam steel of the highest quality at a stable voltage as required for any consumer. Power selected welding generator depends on the available thickness of the metal parts. More specifically, you can find out the worksheet, which is attached to the technical documentation of any welder.

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